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Our medical staff team have been running COVID-19 awareness sessions for our children, village members, elders, police and local councils, together with prevention and protective measures. Education videos screen all day at our Health clinic.

We have produced and distributed thousands of brochures in Tamil across the 24 villages on COVID-19 detection, prevention and treatment measures. Our women’s centre has made and distributed over 10,000 masks free to the 24 villages in the region. The East West Foundation has also donated breathing apparatus for region hospitals.

The East West Foundation’s Tertiary Fund

The East West Foundation continues to support our children that have grown up to pursue further studies. Currently, some of our past students are studying online where possible during the COVID-19 lock down and have also been helping at our children’s home looking after younger children, cooking, cleaning and gardening to contribute and give back in their own way.

The East West Foundation’s tertiary fund is designed to support these older children to realise their potential and dreams by supporting the continuation of their study or vocational training.

Our Students

Women’s Centre Repairs

We recently renovated The Women’s’ Vocational Training Centre which was damaged during the monsoon season with the support of our donors across the globe. The renovation costs of $1,650 were used to fully repair, plaster and paint the exterior and repair and polish interior floors. The Women’s Centre has played a pivotal role in empowering women in the rural community by teaching them new skills and encouraging self-sustainability.

Project Aqualife

Through a rotary foundation global grant, a massive new rainwater harvesting system has arrived on site and will be installed. This is part of our commitment to an environmentally sustainable community. This will ensure a reliable source of fresh clean water for the foreseeable future.

On November 11 2021, there was a Bhoomi Pooja (a ritual performed in honour of the Goddess Bhoomi – Mother Earth), hosted by the president of the Rotary Club of Madras Besant Nagar, Mr S. Krishnan. We thank the Rotary Clubs of Scarborough Cavaliers (UK), Besant Nagar (India), Monash (Aus) and Scarborough (Aus) for all their hard work and generosity and for inviting us to join in the zoom pooja.

Donations over $2 are tax deductable